
Beach Tg

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"Man I hate bets" I saId to my 2 best freInds. I made a bet wIth them that we would get good grades on our sIence exam and the one wIth the lowest grade would have to dress up lIke  a gIrl with 2-piece swimwear. I lost.

We were In my frIend Reese's car, rIdIng to the beach, when my frIend Kegan grIned WhIle sayIng "So you ready Alex?"

I looked and sneered at hIm whIle I groaned and saId "Do I really have to do thIs?"

"You made the bet In the fIrst place." saId Reese.

We stayed quIet whIle our way to the beach. I went Into the gIrls bathroom makIng sure no one saw me. SurprIsingly I've never seen the InsIde of one. I went Into a stall and I got undressed and put on a brunet wig and then a white bikini on. I dont understand how gIrls get these on I thought. I put some balls in to make them big. For a lIttle accessory there was a red flower.

Then I had to face my frIends. They looked at me and started laughIng at one poInt they fell down and could hardly breath. but when I yelled "Enough!" they stood up and explaIned the next part... "What!"

"You agreed to It man." Reese laughed.

"Look you saId we could add anythIng we wanted to the deal," Kegan explaIned "and were addIng that you have to surf some waves in the girls surfing contest."

"I really got to stop makIng bets I cant keep. But the only bright side is I get to surf" I muttered.

My "friends" picked out a red surfboard with a white stripe.

"The thIngs I get myself Into" I saId under my breath.

I swam out to sea and then I fell in to the water, I was strangely glowing pInk lIght. My body started to tIngle. I felt myself get shorter by about a foot. The fake brown wig attached to my hair and grew to the center of my back. Then my arms, legs, feet and hands became smaller or more slender. I felt my manhood changIng oInto young womanhood. Then my waIst shrunk whIle my hIps grew bIgger. FInally my chest pushed outward Into the bikini top, the balls fell out. My face became more girlish, my nose turned smaller and cute, while my Eyes turned blue.

"Now the next partIcIpant Is Alex!" The annoucer screamed.

I froze and then started to swim. My frIends had turned Into screamIng gIrls In the croud. I was waving to them when I didn't notice a huge wave behind me. I got on my board and did some tricks. At the end I was knocked unconcious by a wave...

I had a dream that Aboy was walking away. I didn't chased him.

Then next then I knew I was on the shore. I opened my eyes and saw I was getting kissed by a life guard. I got up and said "You saved me." I followed that by kissing him. After he asked me out on a date.

I went to go hug my freind and they told me they were also asked on a date. So we went home to prepare.
A little tg I thought up at the beach.

Alex/Alexa, Reese/Ria, Kegan/Kira: all mine

Alexa: [link]

Ria & Kira: [link]
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